Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Book of Nehemiah - some things to ponder upon

I had bible study in school today (i left my office 1.15 hrs earlier and rushed to school for bible study). As usual, i was LATE for bible study - it was supposed to be at 4.15 and i came at ernn...4.45p.m. It was in the midst of the bible study session already, and pastor cheekin gave me a blank stare and starting questioning me. "Is this the type of atitude that you give to God? if you are going to go on continue like that? How are you going to have a successful career as an Architect and ultimately a SUCCESSFUL christian as well? How are YOU going to bear a good testimony to the people around? Oh well, i looked back at him cluelessly and eventually i smiled. :) (Oh well, its so ME to be late for everything...when am i going to learn ....:( )

The bible study session was on Nehemiah ctp 1. Nehemiah just received news about the situation in jerusalum - the jersulaum gates were broken down and the poeple were all in great trouble and disgraced. Nehemiah, with a great compassionate heart and having a great identity with the people, sat down, wept, mourned for day and fast and prayed before God for the people, he even confessed his sins and asking the blessings of the heavens to be poured upon his community.

With three of us on the table - Clarence, me and yanliang, Pastor cheekin started to make us ponder and start asking us this thought-provoking question - '"what are the issue that always hindered us from being been passionate for TUF ministry, devoting our time for our minintry, just like nehemiah, always having a great passion for his community?" We paused for a moment and started to reflect through. My honest reply after much thoughts was that i think i am relatively quite a self-centred person, i always priortise my school work ahead of my ministry. That is because my tutors and boss are always there to give you pressure in your work while God is somehow "invisible" and somehow the "pressure is invisible as well", that allows room to procrastinate ,hence him taking for granted as God is always forgiving. I do seriously have this constant fear that if i spent more time on the ministry, i would'nt have time to finish my work. (Wah...thats a bad excuse) Gosh! When i pondered upon this...i realised that i haven trusted God much enough, guessed thats because of my pride and been too selfcentred

Pastor Cheekin started to share his testimony about his work in regards to our responses - despite his hectic work schedule and constant work pressure, he is always faithful and devoted to his ministry in his Uni days and work, and the favour of God is always upon him. he challenged us to learn place our ministry before our work - so surely God will guide or bless you in unexpected ways as we always had the favour of God.

The whole session ended off from here - we ended us praying with one and other. As i was travelling back home, i kinda pondered upon my spiritual life and my role in the ministry. I hope and still learning to place my trust upon God in all situations in my life. :)

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